Coreculator was Written in Python 2.7 and uses all of its built-in Arithmetic functions for Math as an Operators for Coreculator, We have Also Provided a new Features such as Comparison Operators (python).
Coreculator was built for Calculating (calculator), Available Arethmetic Operators
Addition(+), Substraction(-), Division(/), Multiplication(x),Exponentiation(**),Modulos(%), Pi(Pi), and Division with Dec (//).
And coolest thing about Coreculator,You Can even use it as your Python Operators for
comparing things / datatypes etc. (is string or int)
e.g type(1) will show you the type (ex. int or float or string, bin etc.)
"Good for Students and Programmers"
Developer: Mark A. Pequeras
Contribution: CoreSec Group / Hacore Linux OS
My Projects (free Software / Open-Source)